VeryAndroid File Protector is the most powerful tool for android phone and computer users to password protect their files/folders on android phones or computer. It guards your previous personal folders and files of almost all kinds, such as an important document, your favorite photos, music, movies or other files, and prevents other people viewing, alterting or deleting your documents without your permission. Here is the step by step guide:
- 1. Download and install VeryAndroid File Protector on your computer.
Free download the software (a zip file) onto your computer then unzip the file. You will find the FileProtector setup file in folder called PC Unit. Click the setup file to install.
- 2-A. Set password to protect a single file/folder on computer.
To password protect a file or folder. Right click the file/folder in the right pane of Windows Explorer and select "FileProtector - Encrypt".
Input your password and cilck "Encrypt" to continue.
Done! The file have been encrypted and protected as a .lock file.
- 2-B. Set password to protect multiple files on computer..
To password protect more than one files at once—click. Run VeryAndroid File Protector from the Start menu. Click the "Add" button to add file to the list.
Click "Encrypt >>", enter your password then click "Encrypt" to continue:
Done. Now the files/folders have been encrypted and saved as a .lock file.

Nobody will be able to access these protected contents without your password.